How to shop from abroad with Here2Dare?

01Create an Account

Download the H2D app from your iPhone and sign-up for free


Choose your favorite items from the featured stores in the app.

03 Select Service Type

Delivery Only

Shop and pay for products online while Travelers deliver your items from abroad to your local address.

Shop + Delivery

Let Travelers shop for you and deliver items to your doorstep upon their arrival to your location.

Pickup + Delivery

Let Travelers pick up items from where they are and deliver it to you upon their arrival to your location.

* When purchasing gadgets, appliances, and other items with a warranty, make sure to ask Travelers to put your name in the receipt.

04Fill Package Details

Select the size of your package and fill in the important details such as your name, description of your item, URL where to buy it, price, tax information, and your address for checkout.

05Select a

Select a date when you want to receive the items. Receive your items within 48 hours if there are Travelers who are traveling to your location at the same schedule.

06Delivery Reward

Set up a delivery reward that Travelers can receive after successfully delivering your parcel.

07Post Your Offer

Once everything is all set up, post your offer for Travelers to view. Hundreds of Travelers will be looking at different offers on H2D every day. If a Traveler accepts your offer, the next thing to do is wait for its arrival.

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